A New Way Forward in Dementia Care

Over 6 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s in the U.S., and by 2050 that number is projected to be more than doubled. New systems need to be implemented to provide a better quality of life for those living with dementia – and give care partners a much-needed break.

Respite for All shows you how to develop a thriving Respite Ministry through an award-winning, proven, faith-based, volunteer-driven model that will bring hope to your community by providing a new way forward for your neighbors living with dementia.

We’re a nonprofit with a mission to inspire, grow, and mentor new respite communities and are here to help you implement this easy-to-replicate, sustainable model of social care for your friends living with dementia.

If you’re ready to get started, reach out to our Resource Director, [email protected], and let us guide you through the next steps.

Respite for All Foundation’s 3rd Annual

Brain Science Luncheon

October 22, 2024
11:30am – 1:00pm

Renaissance Montgomery Hotel & Spa at the Convention Center
Downtown Montgomery, Alabama

This year’s topic is BLUE ZONES, from the hit Netflix series!

Discover the amazing long-term benefits that a Blue Zones life can help you achieve, and hear from our featured guest, Dan Buettner, Jr., Blue Zones Executive Vice President and Chief Development Officer.

Make plans to join us! Learn more about the luncheon and how you can become a sponsor.

Respite for All communities are based on a social model of care.

No medical staff is required because no medical care is provided.
No medications are given during the 4-hour day Respite day.
Our friends living with dementia must:

  • Be able to care for their own restroom needs
  • Be comfortable in a large group setting.
  • Eat on their own
  • Ambulation requirements, along with paid care attendants, are decided by local communities.

Our Estimated Impact
(*Estimated Numbers for 2023)









Volunteers Find New Purpose

The Respite for All model was initially designed to give a break to care partners. However, it quickly evolved to extend that same break to the volunteers. Volunteers are the lifeblood of Respite Ministry.

“It amazes me how often those who’ve come to serve are on the receiving end and vice versa. Everyone connected to Respite reaps rewards.”

Kevin Blanton, Respite Volunteer

Respite for All, Even for You!

At Respite for All, we reclaim Joy daily through love, hugs, sharing, and meaning. It’s neighbor helping neighbor, and that’s how we’ve grown to 36 communities, and we’re working towards one on every corner, but we can’t do it without your support.

The Herb of Memory

Rosemary has been linked to the concepts of enduring love, memory enhancement, and in the 14th Century, it was believed to restore vitality. The three rosemary sprigs of the Respite for All Foundation logo represent people living with dementia, their care partners, and community volunteers—all of whom are in need of the spirit of Respite.

Respite for All is the new way forward.

The Respite for All Roadmap™ 
is a national, award-winning, comprehensive blueprint for creating, launching, and maintaining a thriving Respite Ministry in your community.

Build a thriving Respite Community in your neighborhood.

The Respite for All Roadmap is a one-of-a-kind program that shows you exactly how to build a thriving Respite Community through a proven faith-based, volunteer-driven model, ultimately bringing hope to your community by addressing a significant social need for those with dementia and their families.

If you know people in your community who’ve ever been touched by Alzheimer’s or dementia, this program can help your church or faith-based organization become a proven response to the support needed, one that brings hope, healing, and renewal to your family or others.