Auburn Program Selected for $100K Grant
Funds Will Expand Program and Add Assistant Director
REACH Respite Ministry at Auburn United Methodist Church has been awarded a $100,000 grant! The ministry applied for a federal grant through Community Care Corps, which is funded by the Administration for Community Living and administered by the Oasis Institute Caregivers Action Network and US Aging and was notified in September that it will receive the award for a funding cycle that started on Oct. 1. The funds will enable the ministry to expand its program to a third day, hopefully a fourth, and to add an assistant director.
REACH director Sarah Jones advises respite ministries to dream big. “Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need or want,” she said. She knew the minimum grant would be $30,000, and while that would be amazing, she said, “I thought, ‘why not dream big?’ I asked for $125,000.” The grant is designated for the start or expansion of community programs that serve older residents or individuals who are disabled.