The Reverend Rich Webster is Rector of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Birmingham, Alabama, where Founders Place is a thriving Respite Ministry:

When thinking about the “success” of Founders Place, I first consider the impact that any Respite Care will have on the families involved. This is direct, unfiltered, hands-on love that meets a deep need, both in the life of the person needing a little joy for a few hours each week and in the caregiver who is often running out of options when it comes to filling each day with activity and routine and hope. Founders Place is a lifesaver, in that literal sense of the word.

But there is still more. Love leaks out all over the place, and Founders Place is no exception. The impact on our church is hard to express, but I’ll start by saying that the future of Senior Ministry is one of engagement, and that means giving our Senior Adults purpose and outreach opportunities. Founders Place has become, in effect, an “activity” for our Seniors as they care for their friends and find new ways to love each other. Everyone wants to be needed, and a Respite Care ministry restores the dignity and worth of each participant.

Finally, our Respite Care is a witness, a witness to beauty and joy and love in the face of pain, a reminder that we all matter before God. We are a better church, and our children are watching…